Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kids gain more weight when school's out

This was on MSNBC. I think this finding probably goes for teachers also, well at least some of us. But here is just another reason why we need to not only keep P.E., but increase it's frequency and duration.

INDIANAPOLIS - The nation’s schools — under fire for unhealthy school lunches, well-stocked vending machines and phys-ed cuts — may actually do a better job than parents in keeping children fit and trim.

Read the full article here.


the anonymous teacher said...

Another reason to keep P.E. is to help those students who already have trouble sitting still in the classroom. Cutting recess and P.E. is so harmful to those students, as they have no place to let out that pent up energy except in the classroom.

Anonymous said...

My kids are lucky...they've got adaptive PE 4 times a week. YAY!

As for teachers...I know part of what's helped with my weight loss is that my classroom's on the 4th floor and I'm up and down no fewer than 10 times a day (up being one, down being two). Course the other part is being petrified of my AP...but she's been better since the principal chewed her a new one.